Monday, June 9, 2008

Law of Attraction: Visualize Yourself Winning

I was at a seafood festival yesterday. Out of the four aisles of stands, one aisle was especially set up for brands to market their products. Geico had a stand set up and was giving typical event marketing prizes such as caps, t-shirts, mugs, and bags. They had this game board set up like Plinko on the Price Is Right. The contestant drops a ball, the ball hits a few pegs during the five foot drop, and then ends up at the bottom in one of five slots. There were five slots with labels: cap, mug, t-shirt, bag, and mystery prize. There were about seven contestants in front of me winning caps, t-shirts, and mugs. I was curious to know what the mystery prize was because no one was winning it. I began to visualize myself winning the mystery prize. I imagined the ball hitting pegs as it descended down the five foot board and then eventually landing on the mystery prize slot. When my turn came up, guess which prize I won. . .

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