Saturday, February 16, 2008

Law of Attraction: Self Respect and Women

I started reading Suze Orman's book "Women and Finance". She brings up some important issues about women as employees and business owners. One of the questions she brings up is "why is it that time and time again women get paid less that their male counterparts?" Suze suggests that one reason this happens is because women do not negotiate. When it's time for the annual review, men tend to go to the meeting with their game face on. Men compare the annual review to a football or basketball game. Women, on the other hand, compare the annual review to a dentst visit. Basically, men find this meeting exciting while women find it painful. Men tend to negotiate their pay raise while women accept whatever they receive. The problem here is that women could potentially be missing out on a million dollars worth of life time salary if only they would negotiate. It's a two way street. There are the abusers and the abused. If women allow themselves to be abused, then they will be. Women need to stand up and realize what their self worth is. They need to be confident in their abilities and the value they provide for whatever company they work for. Women deserve to be paid right for their efforts.

I think the worst situation occurs when women who own their own businesses charge less or accept less than fair market value for their work. Ultimately these women are the ones saying that their own value and services do not compare to those of others. This is just wrong. Charge whatever you know you are worth and stick with it. For instance, if you are a consultant charging $80 and hour. Stick to that. Don't go less. Your time is valuable.

I do some freelance online maketing work and I worked on a small project that took me eight hours to complete. The client thought it only took three hours to complete.
I've done some freelance work for some time now and this is the first time this has happened to me where I had to negotiate the actual time it took to complete something. I point blank straight out asked the client, "do you honestly think it took me three hours to complete all this work?" I asked the client this question three times in the course of a week and the client could not answer me with a simple yes or no. What does this client expect? Pro bono work? I told the client my time is valuable and that I demand respect from everyone I work with. I took time out of other projects to work on this and I expect to be paid for my time. Do not take this type of abuse. Women, know your self worth. Stand up for yourselves and don't take any abuse. When you do stand up for yourself, you will feel liberated. It feels great!


Anonymous said...

awesome article
thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Amen sister,

I dont think women feel comfortable about asking for what they want in the competitive job market.