Friday, January 25, 2008

Cutting Down On Your Expenses = More Money In Your Bank Account (PART 2)

I love food, I love to eat. However, it’s costing me $$$$. I’m trying to cut back on food spending.

Dining Out Less:

One thing about me, I LOVE sushi! There is this sushi place by my house that offers half off sushi Mon – Thurs. It’s great. Fantastic Sushi for half the price! For 2 ppl eating there, I could spend $20 and still have some rolls to take home. Isn’t that great? The downside was I use to eat there at least 2x a week!!! That’s $40 a week!!! That’s $160 a month on sushi!! I’ve cut down going to a sushi restaurant to maybe 2-3 times a month. This saves me at least $120 a month!

Skipping the appetizer:

Something else I use to do was order an appetizer every time I went out to Applebee’s or Cheesecake Factory. That’s $8-$10 on an appetizer alone!! I don’t order appetizer anymore. If I am really hungry then they usually bring out bread anyway. Now I save on money and also save on calories.

Eating before dining out:

Yes, it sounds silly, but eat before you dine out with friends and you will save some money!!!! Now when I go out with friends, I ask if anyone wants to share a platter or I can order a salad and still be full because I already ate at home. For me, the main point of going out with friends is to spend quality time with them not to stuff myself at some restaurant.


The ultimate way to save money is to stay in and cook more. I have started to do this and I have also found that cooking is somewhat relaxing and enjoyable. So, the next time you want dine out, stay home and cook.

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