Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Law of Attraction- Desire… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 1)

Look up desire in the dictionary and it will say “an expressed wish; request”. What is it that you request in your life? Tell the Universe. Better yet, write them down. Make lists.
Categorize them: Career, Personal, Relationships, Health, etc.

Here are a few of mine:


I want to be CEO of my own company that makes billions every year.


I wan to learn something new every day.


I want to be in a happy & healthy relationship with a smart, intelligent, and caring guy.


I want to be 20 pounds lighter


I want to go on a tropical vacation this year.

Now after you write down your desires, state them out loud!

Now, print out your desires on a piece of paper. Post them where you can see them on a daily basis!

The first step is knowing what you WANT. Many people out there feel lost and don’t know what exactly it is they are looking for or want in life. These people need to figure out what makes them happy, what motivates them to live life to the fullest. Envision yourself living the life you desire.

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