Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Law of Attraction- Ask and You Shall Receive… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 3)

"Ask and you shall receive." Think of yourself as Aladdin and the Universe as the Genie that grants unlimited wishes. Take your desires and put them out there. Tell the Universe exactly what YOU want.

Here are a few of mine:

Universe, since I have tons of experience on the internet and online media, I want my business to be internet related. I want to create websites and make money off of them.

Universe, I am want to learn something new every day either whether it be internet related or personal growth related by reading the newspaper, watching the news, or learning from my peers.

Universe, I will be open and honest with the current guy I am dating. I will enjoy every moment we spend with each other.

Universe, I want to be 20 pounds lighter because I will be excercising 3x a week and eating healthy.

Universe, I want to go on a tropical vacation this year which means I need to save money and lose a few pounds!

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