Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Welcome to The Good Life

Every morning, I play Kanye West's song, Welcome to The Good Life at least once. You see, most of us dream of living the good life one day in the future. Some of us dream that one day we don't have to worry about finances. Wouldn't that be great just to be able to spend money at your favorite store without looking at price tags? I know I do! Some of us dream of traveling the world and filling one of our many homes with artifacts from around the world. I know I do!

Two weeks ago I was talking to my younger sister and I told her, "One day we are going to live The Good Life!" She responded with, "Um, we ARE living the Good Life!" I thought about what she said as soon as she said it and realized that she was right. I am living The Good Life NOW!

Usually, when I visualize the life I want for myself, I tend to think in terms of materialistic things such as the incredible house I am eventually going to own, the fancy car I'm eventually going to drive, and the amazing vacations I'm going to take (once every 2 months!). However, I sometimes forget that intangible things such as family/friend support & personal growth are things that I currently have or I am experiencing NOW.

Really, the intangible things, the things that you can't quantify, the things that have unlimited growth potential are the things that make your life not only good, but AMAZING! The beautiful thing about these intangible things is that they are FREE. Attract the type of friends that can help you and motivate you live the best life possible. For personal growth, meditate and go within yourself to find out who you really are and what you are capable of.

Think about it. We are all living The Good Life NOW, in the present, if we allow it.


IC Visionary Designs said...

What would Life be like if you could have everything you want, if only you believe????

I am not afraid any more to follow my dreams or believe in me….I am just so happy and grateful that my dreams are coming true. Kayne's song "I Wonder" makes me see my dreams crystal clear as if they are already here. I am on top of world flying high going after what I want. We all was put here on this earth to be all we can be!! You dig!!!

Chase your dreams don’t be afraid…Your current situation is only an illusion. Believe all is well and that everything you want is already here!


Unknown said...

I totally agree with that idea, in fact I took it a step further. I am working on a mix cd which includes that very track (also includes Superstar by Lupe Fiasco). It includes other tracks that have positive messages and uplifting beats. If you want, when I am done, I can post the tracklist for anyone who wants to make a copy for themselves. My Current Title is "My Secret Soundtrack to Life Volume III" Or My Secret Soundtrack Vol. III for short. (1 & 2 were my own mixes just for me). But I wanna share Volume III with everyone. Includes many different music genres including R&B, Rock, & Pop. **Realize that this is not a retail album and all song have to be downloaded and/or purchased to create the album**

Unknown said...

Hi, I would like your cd.

email me at:

Thank you so much!