Monday, December 15, 2008

Facebook: Make sure you are smiling in your profile pic

Study shows that if you are smiling in your profile pic, you probably have more friends. The study also shows that smiling is contagious.

Click Here for the article.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Working With The Law: We Control Our Destiny

I started reading Working With The Law by Raymond Holliwell. In chapter one, Holliwell talks about how we are ultimately in control of our own destiny.

I believe the reason the famous English literary genius, William Shakespeare, is the leading dramatist of the world lies in this realm. The great Greek dramatists with their noted insight always saw the causes in some external fate or destiny that brought about the downfall of their characters, but Shakespeare saw something within the man as the cause of his failure or success.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings."

We see Hamlet wrestling with his reluctant, indecisive soul. Macbeth is being pulled and driven by his ambition. Othello is torn and discomfited by his jealousy. Always the characters were battling with their inner selves as though the dramatist were saying: "You are the master of your circumstance; call forth your power, initiative, and ingenuity, and be the master. Fate is in your hands, determine it.

Are we really in control of our destiny? I think so. We have the ability to shape or thoughts and belief systems into any way or form. You could be sitting in traffic on your way to work and cursing to yourself about how much you hate traffic and you hate commuting or you could be thanking God for the only alone time your have with yourself and enjoy the "peace". We can't control the external factors but we can control internal factors such as how we react to external factors. A bad event is only a bad event because we label it as a bad event.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Bob Parson's 16 Rules for Success in Business & Life In General

1. Get and stay out of your comfort zone.
I believe that not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone. I hear people say, "But I'm concerned about security." My response to that is simple: "Security is for cadavers."

2. Never give up.
Almost nothing works the first time it's attempted. Just because what you're doing does not seem to be working, doesn't mean it won't work. It just means that it might not work the way you're doing it. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, and you wouldn't have an opportunity.

3. When you’re ready to quit, you’re closer than you think.
There's an old Chinese saying that I just love, and I believe it is so true. It goes like this: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

4. With regard to whatever worries you, not only accept the worst thing that could happen, but make it a point to quantify what the worst thing could be.
Very seldom will the worst consequence be anywhere near as bad as a cloud of "undefined consequences." My father would tell me early on, when I was struggling and losing my shirt trying to get Parsons Technology going, "Well, Robert, if it doesn't work, they can't eat you."

5. Focus on what you want to have happen.
Remember that old saying, "As you think, so shall you be."

6. Take things a day at a time.
No matter how difficult your situation is, you can get through it if you don't look too far into the future, and focus on the present moment. You can get through anything one day at a time.

7. Always be moving forward.
Never stop investing. Never stop improving. Never stop doing something new. The moment you stop improving your organization, it starts to die. Make it your goal to be better each and every day, in some small way. Remember the Japanese concept of Kaizen. Small daily improvements eventually result in huge advantages.

8. Be quick to decide.
Remember what General George S. Patton said: "A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow."

9. Measure everything of significance.
I swear this is true. Anything that is measured and watched, improves.

10. Anything that is not managed will deteriorate.
If you want to uncover problems you don't know about, take a few moments and look closely at the areas you haven't examined for a while. I guarantee you problems will be there.

11. Pay attention to your competitors, but pay more attention to what you’re doing.
When you look at your competitors, remember that everything looks perfect at a distance. Even the planet Earth, if you get far enough into space, looks like a peaceful place.

12. Never let anybody push you around.
In our society, with our laws and even playing field, you have just as much right to what you're doing as anyone else, provided that what you're doing is legal.

13. Never expect life to be fair.
Life isn't fair. You make your own breaks. You'll be doing good if the only meaning fair has to you, is something that you pay when you get on a bus (i.e., fare).

14. Solve your own problems.
You'll find that by coming up with your own solutions, you'll develop a competitive edge. Masura Ibuka, the co-founder of SONY, said it best: "You never succeed in technology, business, or anything by following the others." There's also an old Asian saying that I remind myself of frequently. It goes like this: "A wise man keeps his own counsel."

15. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Lighten up. Often, at least half of what we accomplish is due to luck. None of us are in control as much as we like to think we are.

16. There’s always a reason to smile.
Find it. After all, you're really lucky just to be alive. Life is short. More and more, I agree with my little brother. He always reminds me: “We’re not here for a long time, we’re here for a good time!”

Copyright © 2005-2007 Bob Parsons. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Law of Attraction: Visualize Yourself Winning

I was at a seafood festival yesterday. Out of the four aisles of stands, one aisle was especially set up for brands to market their products. Geico had a stand set up and was giving typical event marketing prizes such as caps, t-shirts, mugs, and bags. They had this game board set up like Plinko on the Price Is Right. The contestant drops a ball, the ball hits a few pegs during the five foot drop, and then ends up at the bottom in one of five slots. There were five slots with labels: cap, mug, t-shirt, bag, and mystery prize. There were about seven contestants in front of me winning caps, t-shirts, and mugs. I was curious to know what the mystery prize was because no one was winning it. I began to visualize myself winning the mystery prize. I imagined the ball hitting pegs as it descended down the five foot board and then eventually landing on the mystery prize slot. When my turn came up, guess which prize I won. . .

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Law of Attraction: I MUST VS. I SHOULD

When you know something needs to get done and you speak to yourself out loud (we all do), how many times do you say "I Should..." vs "I Must... "? If you are most people, you probably say "I Should..." 9 out of 10 times.

When I was in college (not too long ago), my study habits were not the best. Two weeks before an exam, I would tell myself daily, "I should really start studying soon." This would go on until the night before an exam when I really had no choice but to study. That night, my "should" turned to "must". I had no choice. When we say "should" we give ourselves the choice to be lazy and not do anything. Imagine what we could accomplish if we were in the "I Must do this" state of mind all the time.

How many times have you said "I Should lose weight?" Have you accomplished your goal? Try saying "I must lose weight," "I must eat less", "I must excercise". Then follow through with what you say.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Don't Think, Don't Try, Just Do! - I love Nike's logo, "Just Do It".

For many people, we have to overcome intertia to get anythig done. For me, I want to lose weight, but I have trouble convincing myself to get on the elliptical machine. However, once I finally make the decision to get on the machine, it's ok. I notice that during those times when I have trouble convincing myself to get on the elliptical machine, there usually is a battle going on in my mind. Part of me is saying, "Anna, you need to do this! GO EXCERCISE." The other part of me is saying, "wow this chair feels sooo comfortable, why do you want to move? You can excercise later on!" Then of course, "later on" I will create an excuse not to excercise.

When I have the "Just Do It" mindset, it's great. I usually focus on one process at a time. For instance, I'll focus on putting on my socks and shoes first. Then I'll put on the work out clothing, then I'll focus on working out just 5 minutes. Then, i'll focus on another five minutes. Before I know it, I have completed a 30 minute workout.

I love the saying, "Dont think, dont try, just do" as well as Nike's "Just Do It". If I took the time spent over the past year thinking about excercising and just excerised I probably would have lost 20 pounds by now!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

This Law of Attraction Stuff Really Does Work, Seriously!

I received a call yesterday from my younger sister Amanda who is in her last year at Boston University. The first thing she said was, “Anna, Anna, OMG, this Law of Attraction stuff really does work, seriously!” My sister is the least positive person in our family and when she is in the room, sometimes you can feel the tension when she is not having a “good day,” which in the past, used to be quite often. Three months ago, she was visiting me one weekend and I said to her, “YOU MUST watch The Secret before you go back to Boston.” Ever since Amanda was introduced to the Law of Attraction, I have noticed a change.

Anyway, Amanda was telling me that she was going to meet up with her friend Melissa for coffee at Starbucks. Melissa thought they were going to meet up there but my sister thought that Melissa was going to pick her up at her apartment in Allston, which is just outside of Boston. Melissa, who doesn’t like to drive in Boston and Allston, became annoyed and when Melissa finally got to Amanda’s apartment to pick her up, Melissa said, “I hate driving around in Allston because people are careless and the last time I was here, someone bumped my car.” Literally after she said that, someone bumped her car. The driver, this Asian woman in her late 20’s, drove by the left side of Melissa’s car, waved with a smile, and then sped off. Melissa became angrier. Then, they were heading back towards Boston and Melissa said, “I hate it here, there is always a lot of traffic.” You know, I’ve been to Allston quite a few times and traffic is not so bad. However, Amanda told me that day that there was a lot of traffic and it was perhaps because Melissa was thinking those thoughts.

Amanda and Melissa decided not to go to Starbucks and instead eat out in downtown Boston. Amanda suggested to head down this tiny one way street by the Boston Commons to see if they could find parking. Melissa said, “There is never parking there, why are we evening bothering?” Amanda said, “You never know, let’s try anyway.” Amanda then started to think positive thoughts and started to create visions in her head of a free parking spot. When they went down the tiny one way street, they found a parking spot.

Monday, March 31, 2008

A different take on what it means to sidetrack. . .

Take a look at this drawing I made. Sometimes, no matter how much you move forward, you will hit a wall. At times like these, its OK to side track. It will be the only way to reach your goal.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Constant Battle With My Ego!

I'm currently reading Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" and I have become more aware of my Ego. Yesterday I received a call from a recruiter asking if I was interested in a new job opportunity regarding e-marketing. She started talking about backlinks but said that I would probably know more about it etc. I was about to give her a quick intro to back links because my ego was about to take over and I wanted to show I knew more about a particular topic than her. I stopped myself just in time. I paused and thought to myself, why??

I am constantly battling my Ego but I've been doing better lately ever since I've been introduced to "A New Earth".

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Three Reasons Why Mistakes are OK!

One factor that prevents people from taking a risk or pursuing something new is the fear of making a mistake. Here are three reasons why mistakes are OK.

1. When we learn from mistakes.

We are all here to experience, learn, and grow. Mistakes are a great learning opportunity.

I remember the first time I ever did laundry when I was in middle school. I didn’t ask for any help and I pretty much threw every thing in the washing machine. When it was time to take out my clothing, all my whites weren’t white anymore. I had mixed both colored and white clothing. What a learning experience I tell you!

When I was in college, I always had the urge to save a few dollars by throwing everything into one load but I always remembered that childhood incident. I made sure not to repeat the same mistake.

2. When we make sure not to repeat mistakes.

When we have a “bad experience”, we try not to repeat that experience again. We learned our lesson, and that’s it, we never want to experience that again.

There are a few things I am definitely better at than cooking. When I experiment with a recipe for the first time, it sometimes doesn’t come out as I imagine it would be. Sometime I put too much of this or too little of that. What I like about cooking for me is it’s about trial and error and I learn as I go. Usually, the next time I make a dish, it is 10x better.

3. When mistakes are done in pursuit of our goals.

Edison did not invent the light bulb on his first try. If you have big dreams or goals, you might not get there on the first try. Keep on going. You are bound to make mistakes but you’ll eventually get to where you want to be.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We Can Apply the Law of Attraction to Online Passwords!

If you are the average person, you have about 1,000,342 usernames and passwords to remember for your online accounts. OK, that might be a bit of an exaggeration but think of all the social networks, social media sites, online banking sites that you belong to, these usernames and passwords do add up.

I forget my username a lot. I’m constantly pressing the “Forgot Username” button. I try and use the same username but sometimes the username I want is already taken or the formats vary from site to site. For example, username must be at least six characters, username must contain at least three numbers, the letter “y”, and “3”. OK, that might have been a bit of an exaggeration again but you get the point! For the most part, I stick to the same password so at least that’s something easy to remember!

How does the average person come up with a password? Let’s see, what is your pet’s name? Where were you born? What year were you born? What is your spouse’s name? What is your kid’s name? Let’s try a combination of the year I was born + my social security number + the street I live on.

Since I’ve been doing some online marketing work for a few companies, I have had to create numerous accounts on social media sites, directories, etc on their behalf. I came up with a password, “test123”. It’s easy enough to remember so I like it.
Then I was thinking about it this morning and I realized if I apply the law of attraction to passwords, this might not be the best password to choose. “Test” implies that you are not certain, that you are unsure. Rather, I want everything that I do to be successful and I want to be confident. From now on, I’m going to think twice about my passwords. Perhaps, put the word “success” in there somewhere. 

Finding the Perfect Job Using the Law of Attraction: Ask (PART 3)

Ask and you shall receive. Seriously, this works! I was looking for a part time job, preferably working from home in online marketing. I knew exactly what I wanted and I put it out there for the Universe to grant my wish. Two weeks later I had a part time job working from home in the online marketing field.

Think of yourself as Aladdin and the Universe as the Genie that grants unlimited wishes. Take you desires and put them out there. Tell the Universe exactly what YOU want in your perfect job.

Look yourself in the mirror and say

I want _________________.

I deserve ______________.

The perfect job for me is _______________ because ________________.

Write down a description of your perfect job.

Meditate on you perfect job.

Remember, be specific.

The Universe will begin working for you.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Finding the Perfect Job Using the Law of Attraction: Decision (PART 2)

Ok, so you desire to find the perfect job. Now what? Well, it’s time to decide what your perfect job is! The law of attraction states whatever it is you think of and focus on, you will attract it. That being said, start thinking and imagining what your perfect job looks like!! Let the Universe know exactly what you want and the Universe will start working in your favor.

Do you want a job with less stress?

How about a job that has a shorter commute?

How about a job that pays more?

Write down your desires with as much detail as you can.

I want a job that fills me with joy and excitement every time I have a new project.

I want a job that has at most a 15 minute commute.

I want a job that pays me $100,000 a year.

Why? Well, by writing as much detail as you can, you are informing the Universe of exactly what you want. Often times, the problems lies in that many people really do not know what they want.

Finding the Perfect Job Using the Law of Attraction: Desire (PART 1)

Are you looking for another job? Maybe the job you currently have has long hours or perhaps there is no room for growth. Maybe your current company is laying off people and you want to leave before they lay you off.

Finding the perfect job starts with a desire to have something better than what you currently have. Having a strong desire is important. This will be the force that keeps you moving towards your goal of having that perfect job.

Law of Attraction: Make the Best of Being Stuck in Traffic

Have you ever been stuck in traffic? I think most us have been stuck in traffic at least about 100 times. ;) How do you feel when you are stuck in traffic? Do you feel angry, agitated, and anxious? Common thoughts that might run through your head are, "oh no, I'm going to be late for work, or "why is the lane to my left and to my right moving faster than my lane?" These negative thoughts create negative energy and the law of attraction states whatever it is you are thinking and feeling, you will attract more of it. While you sit there in traffic you are creating negative thoughts which set the tone for your day. Chances are the car behind you, in front of you, to your left, and to your right are thinking the same thoughts.

Well, I'm here you tell you that being stuck in traffic is not so bad. If you commute to and from work by yourself, these moments are probably the only time you have to yourself. Think about it, when you are home, your family is there and needs your attention. While you are at work, you have your co-workers and boss to deal with. Enjoy being stuck in traffic because that is your "me" time. Say, "I am grateful for this me time" the next time you find yourself in traffic.

One suggestion is take this time to meditate and reflect. NO, I don't mean shut your eyes and get into a car accident. You don't have to have your eyes closed and sitting Indian Style to meditate. Purchase one of those meditation cds and pop into your car's cd player to relax you.

How to Stop Road Rage

I was in the car over the weekend with my best friend Jane and she had the worst case of road rage ever. This silver Honda Civic cut in front of us and five minutes later when the car was long gone, Jane was still complaining about it.

There are some things in life that we can control and other things we can’t. Jane couldn’t prevent the fact that the Civic cut her but she could have controlled her reaction to the situation better. Feelings and reactions to events and situations are things that we can control. In my opinion, why am I going to let a stranger that I don’t even know affect me in such a negative way?

How do you stop Road Rage? It's simple. Don't let it get to you. It's not worth it.
You build up all this anger for no reason.

I had a talk with Jane and made her watch The Secret DVD yesterday with me. Although I have told her about the law of attraction etc. in the past, she did not understand the concept until she saw the DVD.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Book Review: Ask, Believe, Receive - 7 Days to Increased Wealth, Better Relationships, and a Life You Love

I recently read David Hooper's new book, Ask, Believe, Receive - 7 Days to Increased Wealth, Better Relationships, and a Life You Love. It's a great book for both new and existing law of attraction students. For new law of attraction students, this book is a wonderful intro to how you can instantly change your life for the better. For existing law of attraction students, David mentions simple exercises you can do that you may not be doing yet.

Throughout the book, David mentions the importance of affirmations. Affirmations especially help when you start to have negative thoughts.

For instance, if you feel like you never have enough money say, "I always have more than enough money for everything I need." This way, you will always be in a state of abundance.

In addition, there is a section on gratitude. Whenever you are feeling negative thoughts, start going over all the things in your life that you are thankful for. Gratitude instantly puts you in a positive state.

For more information on David or his new book, visit

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Law of Attraction: Self Respect and Women

I started reading Suze Orman's book "Women and Finance". She brings up some important issues about women as employees and business owners. One of the questions she brings up is "why is it that time and time again women get paid less that their male counterparts?" Suze suggests that one reason this happens is because women do not negotiate. When it's time for the annual review, men tend to go to the meeting with their game face on. Men compare the annual review to a football or basketball game. Women, on the other hand, compare the annual review to a dentst visit. Basically, men find this meeting exciting while women find it painful. Men tend to negotiate their pay raise while women accept whatever they receive. The problem here is that women could potentially be missing out on a million dollars worth of life time salary if only they would negotiate. It's a two way street. There are the abusers and the abused. If women allow themselves to be abused, then they will be. Women need to stand up and realize what their self worth is. They need to be confident in their abilities and the value they provide for whatever company they work for. Women deserve to be paid right for their efforts.

I think the worst situation occurs when women who own their own businesses charge less or accept less than fair market value for their work. Ultimately these women are the ones saying that their own value and services do not compare to those of others. This is just wrong. Charge whatever you know you are worth and stick with it. For instance, if you are a consultant charging $80 and hour. Stick to that. Don't go less. Your time is valuable.

I do some freelance online maketing work and I worked on a small project that took me eight hours to complete. The client thought it only took three hours to complete.
I've done some freelance work for some time now and this is the first time this has happened to me where I had to negotiate the actual time it took to complete something. I point blank straight out asked the client, "do you honestly think it took me three hours to complete all this work?" I asked the client this question three times in the course of a week and the client could not answer me with a simple yes or no. What does this client expect? Pro bono work? I told the client my time is valuable and that I demand respect from everyone I work with. I took time out of other projects to work on this and I expect to be paid for my time. Do not take this type of abuse. Women, know your self worth. Stand up for yourselves and don't take any abuse. When you do stand up for yourself, you will feel liberated. It feels great!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How To Learn the Secret Law of Attraction

Watch the first twenty minutes of "The Secret" Movie for free!

The Secret to Success- Focus, Focus, and Focus!

If you think about it, opportunties are endless. You can do anything and everything you set your heart to achieve. I truly believe this. As I sit and write this, there are a dozen or so business ideas running through my head that I want to pursue, I'm thinking about a dozen or so books I want to read, and I haven't forgetten about the daily tasks and errands I need to take care of. The problem that many of us face is that there are so many things to do and so little time. We tend to lose focus when there are a million things running through our head. The secret is to focus on each task one at a time. When one task is accomplished, move onto another. Do you have a big project? Break up that project into smaller tasks. Complete each task one by one. Before you know it your big project will be complete. Then move on to the next big project!

Law of Attraction- Keep on Moving

I met with a business consultant yesterday for some advice on a project I am working on and we started talking about motivation. I told him I was stuck in a rut and it seemed like there was so much to do to achieve my goal of having a successful business. He told me to keep on moving.

"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

He told me to crawl if that is all I can do for the time being. I sat there and thought about what he said for a while. I realized I wanted to run as fast as I could but there were certain things that weren't in place which meant I needed to crawl for the moment. I was acting somewhat impatient because I wasn't running yet but crawling is also a key part of the process.

Before someone can run they have to walk and before someone can walk they have to crawl. Every successful person out there did not achieve success overnight. Actors and actresses can spend years in acting school, olympic runners spend four years preparing for perhaps a 20 second race, and businesses don't become multi milliion dollar enterprises overnight.

Keep on moving forward and you will eventually finish the race. One step at a time towards your goal.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Law of Attraction- I want to be healthy ALL the time

I haven't been posting lately because I caught a bad case of the flu. I was telling someone the other day how I get sick once a year, usually around this time. He told that he use to expect to get sick once a year as well and that one year he just stopped expecting to get sick and what do you think happened? He stopped getting sick. So, I'm going to stop expecting to get sick once a year and expect to be healthy ALL the time. Let's see what happens. :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

NY GIANTS & The Law Of Attraction: “Expect” to Win!

The New York Giants are the best team this year because they won when it mattered the most! For the most part, the only people who thought the New York Giants would win were the NY Giants themselves and all their fans. Their season started slow, losing their first two games and their head coach Tom Coughlin was on the verge of getting fired for poor performance. How did the New York Giants end up winning the Super Bowl against the favorite 18-0 New England Patriots??? Part of it has to do with the fact that the New York Giants EXPECTED to win. Practically all the sports analyst favored the New England Patriots but that didn't stop the New York Giants from believing in themselves and expecting to win.

GO GIANTS! I'm proud of you!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Law of Attraction- Gratitude… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 6)

Be thankful for what you have NOW. Whenever you are in a thankful state of mind, positive energy flows throughout your body. Attract positive energy and more positive energy will come your way; that is the Law of Attraction.

Gratitude in the Morning:

It’s important to show gratitude in the morning right after you wake up to start the positive energy flow. Tell the Universe that you are starting your morning in a positive mood and you want your whole day to be like this.

Gratitude in the Night:

It’s important to show gratitude before you sleep so that your dreams will also be filled with positive energy.

Gratitude Anytime:

Show gratitude anytime. When you are commuting to work and there is traffic. Show gratitude. When you are stuck in a long line at the grocery store, show gratitude. Showing gratitude will change your mood.

When things are not going as the way I want them to, I pause for a moment and begin to show gratitude.

These are a few things that I am grateful for:

Loved Ones
Each day I live
Endless opportunities in life
Higher level of awareness
My connection to the God (Universe)

What are you grateful for?

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Law of Attraction- Work… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 5)

How bad do you want something? How much time and energy will you put into attaining what it is you want in life? If you want something meaningful in life, chances are it will take some work to achieve it. The Universe will test you. Believe me. When you hit a roadblock, don’t give up. It’s just the Universe asking you how bad you want something. If you give up, then that shows you never really wanted it in the first place. Don’t give up. Keep on going until you reach your goal. Once you cross the finish line, it will be all worth it.

I have decided to work for the things I want in life.


Desire: I want to be CEO of my own company that makes billions every year.
Decision: Since I have tons of experience on the internet and online media, I want my business to be internet related. I want to create websites and make money off of them.
Work: I’m going to put in as many hours as I can on a daily basis to develop my ideas and turn them into reality.


Desire: I want to learn something new every day.
Decision:I am going to learn something new every day either whether it be internet related or personal growth related by reading the newspaper, watching the news, or learning from my peers.
Work: I’m going to read every day


Desire: I want to be in a happy & healthy relationship with a smart, intelligent, and caring guy.
Decision: I will be open and honest with the current guy I am dating. I will enjoy every moment we spend with each other.
Work: Spend more time with my guy. Talk to him about things that bother me.


Desire: I want to be 20 pounds lighter
Decision: I want to be 20 pounds lighter because I will be exercising 3x a week and eating healthy.
Work: Exercise 3X a week


Desire: I want to go on a tropical vacation this year.
Decision: I want to go on a tropical vacation this year which means I need to save money and lose a few pounds!
Work: Well, it’s time for me to start saving some money!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Law of Attraction- Believe… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 4)

Ok, so now you have a good idea of what you want. What’s the next step? For the Law of Attraction to work, in order to get exactly what you want in life, you have to Believe that whatever you ask for will happen. Believe that it will happen no matter what. It might happen tomorrow or it might happen next month. Just have faith that the Universe is working its magic and you will receive whatever it is you desire as long as you believe.

If it’s a larger house you desire, then believe that you will own a larger house. In fact, picture yourself in that house NOW. Imagine yourself cooking in the gourmet kitchen, swimming in the underground pool, and relaxing in the huge family room. Experience all the emotions of living in your large house NOW.

“You become what you believe”.

Here is an excerpt from Oprah’s commencement address to Wellesley Students back in ’97.

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe. When I was little girl, Mississippi, growing up on the farm, only Buckwheat as a role model, watching my grandmother boil clothes in a big, iron pot through the screen door, because we didn't have a washing machine and made everything we had. I watched her and realized somehow inside myself, in the spirit of myself, that although this was segregated Mississippi and I was "colored" and female, that my life could be bigger, greater than what I saw. I remember being four or five years old, I certainly couldn't articulate it, but it was a feeling and a feeling that I allowed myself to follow. I allowed myself to follow it because if you were to ask me what is the secret to my success, it is because I understand that there is a power greater than myself, that rules my life and in life if you can be still long enough in all of your endeavors, the good times, the hard times, to connect yourself to the source, I call it God, you can call it whatever you want to, the force, nature, Allah, the power. If you can connect yourself to the source and allow the energy that is your personality, your life force to be connected to the greater force, anything is possible for you. I am proof of that. I think that my life, the fact that I was born where I was born, and the time that I was and have been able to do what I have done speaks to the possibility. Not that I am special, but that it could be done. Hold the highest, grandest vision for yourself. Read the Whole Commencement Address Here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Daily Motivator - Success

I’ve mentioned in a previous post before that every morning I read the Daily Motivator on Here is today’s Daily Motivator.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A little success

If you can't bring yourself to be positive about the big things, then be positive about the little things. That's easy enough to do, and it can make a surprisingly significant difference.

You're not going to solve the world's major problems before bedtime. And yet, you can surely make a little positive progress in your own way, and that can be a big help.

The little annoyances, distractions, challenges and difficulties in your world may seem minor when viewed separately. However, they can all add up to create a major negative drag on your life.

You can easily choose to rid yourself of those little negative influences, one by one. Before long, the positive effect will be dramatic.

If you spend the next few minutes doing nothing except worrying about your problems, you'll just end up even more anxious and worried. If, instead, you spend that same five minutes to overcome a relatively minor problem, you'll end up feeling a little more empowered and in control of your own destiny.

A little bit of success will motivate and inspire you, like nothing else can, to create a little more success, again and again. Soon, you'll discover that those little successes are adding up to a life of big and meaningful achievement.

-- Ralph Marston

The Law of Attraction- Ask and You Shall Receive… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 3)

"Ask and you shall receive." Think of yourself as Aladdin and the Universe as the Genie that grants unlimited wishes. Take your desires and put them out there. Tell the Universe exactly what YOU want.

Here are a few of mine:

Universe, since I have tons of experience on the internet and online media, I want my business to be internet related. I want to create websites and make money off of them.

Universe, I am want to learn something new every day either whether it be internet related or personal growth related by reading the newspaper, watching the news, or learning from my peers.

Universe, I will be open and honest with the current guy I am dating. I will enjoy every moment we spend with each other.

Universe, I want to be 20 pounds lighter because I will be excercising 3x a week and eating healthy.

Universe, I want to go on a tropical vacation this year which means I need to save money and lose a few pounds!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Law of Attraction- Decision… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 2)

The more detail you have with each desire, the better. The Universe will know exactly what you want because you have decided exactly what you want. For instance, if you say to the Universe you want a job, don’t be upset if you end up with just a job. However, if you say, “Universe, I want my dream job to turn into reality. It will be at most a 15 minute commute from where I live. The job will be 9AM-5PM and at exactly 5PM I get to go home not like my current job. I will enjoy working with my co-workers. There is room for growth at this job…” You will be surprised at the results.

Try to create more details for your desires. The more detail your vision has, the better.

Here are a few of mine:


Desire: I want to be CEO of my own company that makes billions every year.
Decision: Since I have tons of experience on the internet and online media, I want my business to be internet related. I want to create websites and make money off of them. I want to be able to produce at least six figure income from my websites.


Desire: I want to learn something new every day.
Decision: I am going to learn something new every day either whether it be internet related or something about personal growth.


Desire: I want to be in a happy & healthy relationship with a smart, intelligent, and caring guy.
Decision: I will be open and honest with the current guy I am dating. I will enjoy every moment we spend with each other.


Desire: I want to be 20 pounds lighter
Decision: I want to be 20 pounds lighter so I can walk around the beach in a bikini.


Desire: I want to go on a tropical vacation this year.
Decision: I want to go on a tropical vacation this in the Caribbean Islands so I can show off my new body.

Tell the Universe exactly what you want!

The Law of Attraction- Desire… How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life (PART 1)

Look up desire in the dictionary and it will say “an expressed wish; request”. What is it that you request in your life? Tell the Universe. Better yet, write them down. Make lists.
Categorize them: Career, Personal, Relationships, Health, etc.

Here are a few of mine:


I want to be CEO of my own company that makes billions every year.


I wan to learn something new every day.


I want to be in a happy & healthy relationship with a smart, intelligent, and caring guy.


I want to be 20 pounds lighter


I want to go on a tropical vacation this year.

Now after you write down your desires, state them out loud!

Now, print out your desires on a piece of paper. Post them where you can see them on a daily basis!

The first step is knowing what you WANT. Many people out there feel lost and don’t know what exactly it is they are looking for or want in life. These people need to figure out what makes them happy, what motivates them to live life to the fullest. Envision yourself living the life you desire.

Monday, January 28, 2008

What Is the Law of Attraction? A Guide to Receiving Everything you Want In Life

The law of attraction is a theory that states “like attracts like”. Our thoughts create emotions that have vibrations that attract similar vibrations. So, we draw to us whatever we want, think, or feel. The universe will provide to us whatever we focus on, whether it is good or bad.

Desire: What is it you want in life? You need to create a vision of whatever it is you desire? Is it a new job? Is it a new house? A better relationship with your significant other?

Decision: Decide EXACTLY what you want. Be as specific as you can with your desires. Is it a job that brings in six figures? Create a vision of yourself going to a job every day that brings you that kind of money. Is it a five bedroom house, with a two car garage, and an in ground swimming pool? Well imagine yourself living in that type of house. Better yet, go to open houses! Walk around your dream house as if you already live in it. Do you want a better relationship with your significant other? Well, create a vision where you are always happy with your loved one.

Ask: Think of yourself as Aladdin and the Universe as your genie. Ask the universe to give you exactly what you want and you will receive it. Now we all know the story of Aladdin. He is granted three wishes. Here’s the catch, we are granted UNLIMITED wishes. Ask away and you will receive.

Believe: You need to have faith that whatever you ask for you will receive. You might receive whatever you are asking for today, next week, or next year. Just believe that the Universe is working in your favor and you will eventually receive whatever you have asked for.

Work: Ok, you have the vision of exactly what you want, you’ve asked the Universe for “it”, and you believe with all your heart that “it” will become a reality. Now, you have to work for it. For instance, say you have a vision of yourself 10 pounds lighter. Well, you need to take positive action towards that goal. Will eating cake and French fries help you achieve that goal? No. Will going to the gym help you and speed up the process of losing weight? Yes. Take small steps to achieve your goal and you will eventually reach it.

Gratitude: Always be thankful for what you have. Always be thankful to God [or the universe]. For instance, say you want a better job because your current job has long hours and low pay. First, you need to be grateful for whatever you have NOW. Thank God that you HAVE a job. How many people don’t have jobs? Thank God that you have a job that pays your bills and provides food on the table. Be thankful for whatever you have NOW, whether it is good or bad because every instance of your life is merely an experience. Some experiences you will want to repeat over and over again and other you will not.

My first real job was working for a Fortune 500 company with long hours and tons of stress. I would commute to work each day with chest pains and commute back home with stomach pain. The turnover at this job was ridiculous. At least 2 people would quit each week. After a year I could not take it anymore and resigned. I truly hated my experience there. In hindsight, it was probably one of the best learning experiences of my life and a year full of personal growth. From that experience, I knew what type of company I wanted to work for after working for a type of company I learned I would never want to work for again. From that experience, I learned how to treat co-workers with respect after learning how I would never want to be treated in a work environment ever again in my life. I took a year long experience, examined it, and learned from it. I’m thankful for having the opportunity to work there.

Expect: You’ll be surprised as to how difficult it is for people to live in a happy state of expectancy. They always have negative thoughts or live in fear. What happens are those negative thoughts manifest and living in fear prevents them from accomplishing their goals. If this sounds like you, it’s important to change this attitude. You must switch off the negativity and turn on the positive energy. This is your life. IMAGINE the best life you can live. Always EXPECT the best and the best will be given to you.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cutting Down On Your Expenses = More Money In Your Bank Account (PART 2)

I love food, I love to eat. However, it’s costing me $$$$. I’m trying to cut back on food spending.

Dining Out Less:

One thing about me, I LOVE sushi! There is this sushi place by my house that offers half off sushi Mon – Thurs. It’s great. Fantastic Sushi for half the price! For 2 ppl eating there, I could spend $20 and still have some rolls to take home. Isn’t that great? The downside was I use to eat there at least 2x a week!!! That’s $40 a week!!! That’s $160 a month on sushi!! I’ve cut down going to a sushi restaurant to maybe 2-3 times a month. This saves me at least $120 a month!

Skipping the appetizer:

Something else I use to do was order an appetizer every time I went out to Applebee’s or Cheesecake Factory. That’s $8-$10 on an appetizer alone!! I don’t order appetizer anymore. If I am really hungry then they usually bring out bread anyway. Now I save on money and also save on calories.

Eating before dining out:

Yes, it sounds silly, but eat before you dine out with friends and you will save some money!!!! Now when I go out with friends, I ask if anyone wants to share a platter or I can order a salad and still be full because I already ate at home. For me, the main point of going out with friends is to spend quality time with them not to stuff myself at some restaurant.


The ultimate way to save money is to stay in and cook more. I have started to do this and I have also found that cooking is somewhat relaxing and enjoyable. So, the next time you want dine out, stay home and cook.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cutting Down On Your Expenses = More Money In Your Bank Account (PART 1)

We spend way too much on electronics and technology these days. Let’s try and cut down on costs. Here are a few examples.

TV’s: I remember being one of the first families to own a big screen TV growing up. Three years later more families started to purchase them as the price decreased and technology improved. Instead of perhaps $3-$4k for the big screen TV, everyone else got it for maybe in the $2K-$3K range. Now it’s the age of flat screen TV’s. When these first came out, they were going for over $5K, now you can get them for $200. The Lesson? Wait and save money. Besides, you don’t have to buy the “latest and greatest” because tomorrow there will be another “latest and “greatest”.

Cell Phones: I am going to use Verizon as an example because that is what I have. Ok, $20 for unlimited IN bound texts Plus 5000 additional texts. Do we really need all that? That’s $240 in savings a year/ $1200 in 5 years. Plus think of all the productivity that could be gained if texting did not exist.

V Cast is another thing. How many of you have V Cast?

Hundreds of video clips daily, including sports highlights and news updates. Email and shop online with Mobile Web 2.0. And play amazing 3D and multi-player games.

This is also $15 a month. That’s $180 a year and $900 in 5 years you can save without this. Plus think of all the productivity that could be gained without this feature.

Sometimes we need to analyze our expenses one by one to see where our money is being wasted. Instead, we can save this money and invest it somewhere. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have the best tv out there or if you don’t have text messaging and V Cast!

Next, I’ll talk about how much can be saved from dining in!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More Ebay Selling Tips!

Include A Picture:

A picture is worth a thousand words. Make sure to include them in your listing!!

Learn Simple HTML

It doesn’t hurt to know simple html to improve the look and feel of your listing. Visit htmlgoodies.comfor some tips.

Listing Descriptions:

Make sure to be very detailed in your descriptions. Customers like to know what they are buying. Also, by being detailed with your descriptions, this will decrease the amount of questions/emails sent to you by your customers. Less work is always good.

Delivery Confirmation:

Include free delivery confirmation for your customers in the US. This gives them peace of mind and also it is proof that the product was delivered in case your customer complains they never received the item. I use to purchase postage on which offers free delivery confirmation.

Include A Thank You Note:

You should include a thank you note with each purchase with your email address in case they have any comments or questions.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Four Ebay Selling Tips

I was able to average 3-4K a month in sales selling on part time while in college. Here are some tips.

Ebay Selling Tips:

1. Try to end your auction on a Monday or Thursday between 6-9PM. This is when there is high traffic to the site which will increase competition and drive up the price of your item.
2. Use an html template if you can. Make your listing as professional as it
can be.
3. If you are new to Ebay and want to start selling, try to purchase a few items first to build up your feedback score.
4. Be as descriptive as you can with your listing title. Check your competition’s titles.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Success is there waiting for you! Just Jump Already! I started with (PART 2)

At some point I decided to purchase the polo shirts and then 4 weeks later the shipment arrived. I scoped out the competition on Ebay and saw that the polo shirts were starting at $10 so I did the same. Also, I knew HTML so I made my pages look better than the competition. Making my auctions look more professional, drove up the bid price. The shirts sold on average for $18. Not bad, 80% return on investment!

I started selling on Ebay my junior year of college and all throughout my senior year. It was great supplemental income!

To be honest, it wasn’t a piece of cake selling on Ebay. Things also went wrong, unhappy customers, supplier delays, issues with defect, etc. In the end, I just kept on moving forward and faced each challenge. I think most people focus on talking about success etc. but sometimes it’s also important to look at the challenges to get to that success. I didn’t give up after each challenge and each challenge only made me stronger. Some challenges I faced more than once, such as product defects. However, each time, I knew how to handle the situation better. (I also made sure to work with suppliers that would be able to offer refunds etc.)

I had this vision where I could make money in my sleep and that’s what I did. My auctions went on while I slept, while I watched TV, and while I partied.

If you have a vision, take the necessary steps to make it a reality.

I’ll post some Ebay tips tomorrow!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Success is there waiting for you! Just Jump Already! I started with (PART1)

While I was at college not too long ago, I use to purchase so much stuff on I mean just random stuff such as a large ionic fan and a pink 50ft Ethernet cable. One day, I realized that if everyone else can make money off of Ebay selling stuff, why can’t I??

Since I was in school for business, I knew about importing, wholesalers, etc. Why not put my 40K (definitely more now) a year college education to use, while I was still in college?

My first stop was and a bunch of other wholesale directories. After browsing through thousands of products, I decided to resell overstock apparel. I then contacted a bunch of suppliers and they gave me a bunch of quotes, payment terms, and lead times.

I reduced the number of suppliers from ten to one. I decided to go with a wholesaler with offices in Pennsylvania because I thought it would be safer than dealing with someone internationally and they also accepted credit cards.

It would cost me $1000 for 100 polo shirts.

I had to think about this for a couple of days. So many things ran through my head like, how about if the items don’t come? What if they don’t sell? What if they are defective?
All these negative thoughts were running through my head that were preventing me from picturing the successful me.

To be continued….

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Daily Motivator

I started this routine where each morning I go to to read the daily motivator. I then cut and paste the message and send it to some friends who need the motivation. I’ve noticed a change and I feel more positive.

Today’s Daily Motivator:

Your imagination

There are no limits to what you can imagine. And what you create in your imagination sets the stage for what you will create in your life.

Your imagination can take you to any place and any time you choose.

In your imagination, you can construct and explore whatever set of circumstances you wish to experience.

Imagination can help you prepare to do things you've never done. It can also help you improve and perfect the tasks with which you're already familiar.

Pay close and careful attention to the realities of your life. And then fully explore the possibilities present in those realities by sifting them through the
wondrous power of your imagination.

When it seems that you've run out of options, imagine for yourself some new ones. If you let it, your imagination can pull you toward the truth you need to know.

The reality of your life is rich indeed. And imagination greatly expands your access to that richness.

-- Ralph Marston

What are some things you do to stay motivated?

From Waitress to One of the Top Women in the Financial World, Suze Orman is Truly Inspiring

For those of you who haven’t heard of Suze Orman, her life story is truly inspiring. She grew up with speech impediment, dropped out of college just right when she was about to graduate, and then settled on being a waitress for 6 years. Now she is one of the top women in the financial world. If she can change her life, anybody can!!

Read more about Suze! Read More About Suze!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Welcome to The Good Life

Every morning, I play Kanye West's song, Welcome to The Good Life at least once. You see, most of us dream of living the good life one day in the future. Some of us dream that one day we don't have to worry about finances. Wouldn't that be great just to be able to spend money at your favorite store without looking at price tags? I know I do! Some of us dream of traveling the world and filling one of our many homes with artifacts from around the world. I know I do!

Two weeks ago I was talking to my younger sister and I told her, "One day we are going to live The Good Life!" She responded with, "Um, we ARE living the Good Life!" I thought about what she said as soon as she said it and realized that she was right. I am living The Good Life NOW!

Usually, when I visualize the life I want for myself, I tend to think in terms of materialistic things such as the incredible house I am eventually going to own, the fancy car I'm eventually going to drive, and the amazing vacations I'm going to take (once every 2 months!). However, I sometimes forget that intangible things such as family/friend support & personal growth are things that I currently have or I am experiencing NOW.

Really, the intangible things, the things that you can't quantify, the things that have unlimited growth potential are the things that make your life not only good, but AMAZING! The beautiful thing about these intangible things is that they are FREE. Attract the type of friends that can help you and motivate you live the best life possible. For personal growth, meditate and go within yourself to find out who you really are and what you are capable of.

Think about it. We are all living The Good Life NOW, in the present, if we allow it.

My Vision Board Slide Show

After reading The Secret, I created a Vision Board Slide Show on my computer with my dream cars (Range Rover & Lamburghini), my 5 bedroom mansion, the man of my dreams, and all the vacation destinations I want to visit in this lifetime.

This is a great motivator and constant reminder for me to continue working towards my goals.
Everytime my computer sits idle for 5 minutes, my Vision Board Slide Show starts to play. Whenever my computer hits the 5 minute idle mark, I tell myself that in order to achieve all my dreams flashing before my eyes, i have to stop Procrastinating!! Then I get back to work. :)

Creat your Vision Board Slide Show today!!

First Blog

Welcome! Thanks for visiting this blog! I'm going to be discussing my thoughts on the law of attraction, spirituality, The Secret etc.