Monday, January 28, 2008

What Is the Law of Attraction? A Guide to Receiving Everything you Want In Life

The law of attraction is a theory that states “like attracts like”. Our thoughts create emotions that have vibrations that attract similar vibrations. So, we draw to us whatever we want, think, or feel. The universe will provide to us whatever we focus on, whether it is good or bad.

Desire: What is it you want in life? You need to create a vision of whatever it is you desire? Is it a new job? Is it a new house? A better relationship with your significant other?

Decision: Decide EXACTLY what you want. Be as specific as you can with your desires. Is it a job that brings in six figures? Create a vision of yourself going to a job every day that brings you that kind of money. Is it a five bedroom house, with a two car garage, and an in ground swimming pool? Well imagine yourself living in that type of house. Better yet, go to open houses! Walk around your dream house as if you already live in it. Do you want a better relationship with your significant other? Well, create a vision where you are always happy with your loved one.

Ask: Think of yourself as Aladdin and the Universe as your genie. Ask the universe to give you exactly what you want and you will receive it. Now we all know the story of Aladdin. He is granted three wishes. Here’s the catch, we are granted UNLIMITED wishes. Ask away and you will receive.

Believe: You need to have faith that whatever you ask for you will receive. You might receive whatever you are asking for today, next week, or next year. Just believe that the Universe is working in your favor and you will eventually receive whatever you have asked for.

Work: Ok, you have the vision of exactly what you want, you’ve asked the Universe for “it”, and you believe with all your heart that “it” will become a reality. Now, you have to work for it. For instance, say you have a vision of yourself 10 pounds lighter. Well, you need to take positive action towards that goal. Will eating cake and French fries help you achieve that goal? No. Will going to the gym help you and speed up the process of losing weight? Yes. Take small steps to achieve your goal and you will eventually reach it.

Gratitude: Always be thankful for what you have. Always be thankful to God [or the universe]. For instance, say you want a better job because your current job has long hours and low pay. First, you need to be grateful for whatever you have NOW. Thank God that you HAVE a job. How many people don’t have jobs? Thank God that you have a job that pays your bills and provides food on the table. Be thankful for whatever you have NOW, whether it is good or bad because every instance of your life is merely an experience. Some experiences you will want to repeat over and over again and other you will not.

My first real job was working for a Fortune 500 company with long hours and tons of stress. I would commute to work each day with chest pains and commute back home with stomach pain. The turnover at this job was ridiculous. At least 2 people would quit each week. After a year I could not take it anymore and resigned. I truly hated my experience there. In hindsight, it was probably one of the best learning experiences of my life and a year full of personal growth. From that experience, I knew what type of company I wanted to work for after working for a type of company I learned I would never want to work for again. From that experience, I learned how to treat co-workers with respect after learning how I would never want to be treated in a work environment ever again in my life. I took a year long experience, examined it, and learned from it. I’m thankful for having the opportunity to work there.

Expect: You’ll be surprised as to how difficult it is for people to live in a happy state of expectancy. They always have negative thoughts or live in fear. What happens are those negative thoughts manifest and living in fear prevents them from accomplishing their goals. If this sounds like you, it’s important to change this attitude. You must switch off the negativity and turn on the positive energy. This is your life. IMAGINE the best life you can live. Always EXPECT the best and the best will be given to you.

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